Are you effectively begging for a job? Stop these habits
Job-hunting turns rationale, highly qualified people into desperate and ravenous zombies. Think this is far fetched? Then think again. We explain why so many job seekers come across as desperate and begging for a job, without even realising it.

It might seem counter intuitive, but telling the world that you are looking for a new job is the last thing you should do. Why?
You will come across as desperate and the last thing employers and recruiters want to do, is hire someone that is desperate.
I know things can be really tough out there, I totally get it. But in order to win in this game, you need to ensure that you don’t come across as desperate. So please stop the following when looking for a job:
Don’t publicly proclaim you are looking for a job on LinkedIn
Don’t use your LinkedIn Heading or Summary to let the world know that you are looking for a new opportunity. Your best bet is to optimize your current profile demonstrating your value to employers. This includes optimizing your LinkedIn headline and other sections of LinkedIn with the right keywords, so recruiters can organically find you.
Don’t spam recruiters and employers on LinkedIn
Don’t spam recruiters and employers on LinkedIn. Connecting and then contacting recruiters and employers, letting them know you are looking for a job, kills your credibility and again makes you look desperate and undisciplined. Seriously recruiters don’t care and by sending these requests, you are effectively begging for a job from a stranger.
Yes, connect with recruiters and employers and engage and network effectively. But at the end of the day, you need to act like the bait on the hook (being enticing and highly compelling), so recruiters or employers chase you. That is their job.
Don’t upload your resume on public sites
Stop uploading your resume to very public sites, such as Indeed and CareerOne. If you have skills, you don’t need to have your data sold to the lowest bidder on these generic sites. Being over exposed in a very public way comes across as desperate and undesirable. Ask any top headhunter. They only want to work with those not hanging out on the street corner.
Stop asking for a job from your network
Don’t ask your network for a job, EVER. It is OK to ask for references, let them know you are exploring new options and asking whether they know anyone in their network that would make a great new connection to advance your career and help you find a job. But by asking for a job, you are putting your network in an uncomfortable situation. Only ask for help on things they can actually deliver on. You won’t come across as desperate and you will keep your relationships intact, so once an opportunity does arise, you are the first person they touch base with.
Stop inundating companies with your resume spam
Many companies are exceptionally frustrated by the inundation of unsolicited applicants. Many will instantly drag your resume into a trash folder. Yes, you should approach employers, but there is a very strategic way that you can do this without coming across as desperate. This includes researching to see if job opportunities are available, connecting with the right person in the organisation and networking.
Don’t apply for jobs via job boards that you are not qualified for
Nothing screams desperation more than you applying for any sort of job that comes your way. It is like those poor door-to-door sales representatives, trying to sell you a gadget you just don’t need, or want.
If your skills don’t match the employer’s requirements, why on earth would they want to talk with you – a complete stranger? I know this is harsh, but one of the biggest complaints from employers is receiving applications from people that don’t possess the right qualifications. Don’t join this circus – there is no advantage there for you. You need to get strategic and focused.
So this is my list. I’m sure you might be guilty of one of more of these begging tactics?
So are you a desperate zombie, or the new breed of job candidate?
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