If you have been invited to a job interview and you have either been looking for a while, or this is your dream job, you might be feeling jittery, and have butterflies in your stomach. After all – this interview could change your life!
If you are feeling this way, you are not alone. Whether you’re a CEO, software engineer, branding guru, or even HR Manager, the reality is that even the best-prepared job candidate can get nervous and come across as a blubbering idiot. Back before I was an entrepreneur and business owner, job interviews would give me stage fright and as a natural introvert, I still find myself with clammy palms before a big presentation.
Looking back, some of the best job interviews I had, was when I did not really need the job. With an almost cavalier attitude I enjoyed the job interview and came across as personable and confident. Likewise, when the interview mattered (in my head anyway), I became a bumbling idiot.
So how to you calm the nerves, avoid stage fright, and perform like a super star?